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4th, 5th and 6th classes: Working at home!

Latest NewsMs Roughneen's RoomSchool Closure 2020

4th, 5th and 6th classes: Working at home!

By March 12, 2020March 26th, 202040 Comments

As all schools are to remain closed for the next two weeks, I have devised a body of work which your child may engage with while at home. This work is to help keep your child engaged in their learning while schools are closed. We also encourage children to also keep reading, practice their musical instruments, play board games, bake, get fresh air and engage in outdoor activities if possible and within the HSE recommendations.

The school work outlined below ( based on the note the children received today) encourages independent learning and revision.

All projects should be attempted and the manner of display is up to the children. (poster, PowerPoint, word document, book, art work etc)

All children learn in individual ways and some children will fly through the suggested assignments while others will struggle with the workload. Please use your own judgement and base amount work completed on your child’s ability and pace.

Please dont worry about your child falling behind if they dont complete all assigned work  and put undue stress on your child to complete everything. Decide on a maximum amount of time, you as a parent feel your child can work at independently and successfully each day and after which cease work.

Click on link below for an outline of work to complete as well as a list of links and resources.

[btn_arrow_red url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] 4th class [/btn_arrow_red] [btn_arrow_orange url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] 5th class [/btn_arrow_orange] [btn_arrow_yellow url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] 6th class [/btn_arrow_yellow]


I will update spelling city  website with all English and Gaeilge spellings in the coming days.

I will leave the comments box open and will update with more resources and links.


  • Caoimhe . N says:

    Dear Ms.Roughneen
    I just wanted to check with you what do we have to do for the water experiments?
    Thank you

  • Beth says:

    Hi Ms Roughneen
    I was wondering if there is a minimum or maximum of pages to the project?
    From Beth

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Beth,
      There is no minimum or maximum pages. It can be a PowerPoint presentation (slideshow) or a word document if you want to do it on a computer. It could also be a movie if you wanted to try that. If you don’t want to use a computer, it could be a poster, booklet, brochure or piece of art work for example.

  • Kayleigh says:

    Hi ms. Roughneen. I was wondering if the river project can be a river outside of Ireland. Thanks, Kayleigh

  • Erin says:

    Hi Ms roughneen
    I only have 1 Irish spelling sheet and I was wondering if the right sheet is cian í bhfeighil an tí is the right sheet for this week
    Thanks Erin

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Erín, yes that is the sheet for this week. I will put up some links to spelling exercises shortly.

  • Conor.Brennan says:

    Hi Mrs Roughneen
    I’m just wondering is it week 24 English spellings for this week
    Thanks. From Conor.

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Conor,
      Week 24 is a revision week, so I didn’t give you that one. Do you have week 23 and week 25 or weeks 25 and 26?

  • Conor says:

    Mrs Roughneen

    I don’t have week 24 spellings

    From Conor

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Week 24 is a revision week, so I didn’t give you that one. Do you have week 23 and week 25 or weeks 25 and 26? Week 24 is a mistake in the schedule. I didn’t have the book with me when I wrote it.

  • Caoimhe. N says:

    Hi Ms.Roughneen
    Just wanted to ask does the book report on the guns of Easter have to be in our history and geography copy?
    Caoimhe. N

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Caoimhe,
      It can be in your SESE (History and Geography) copy or you can type it in Word or Pages if you prefer.

  • Conor says:

    I have weeks 25 and 26

  • Caoimhe Nolan says:

    Hi Ms. Roughneen
    I did my tests for this week in my copy and here are my scores
    Irish 10-12
    English 12-12
    Tables 13-13. Mental maths 25-25
    Thanks Caoimhe. N

  • Nicole says:

    Hi ms roughness, sorry to bother you but what exactly is a nature walk?
    From Nicole

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Nicole, A nature walk is just a walk around your house or village where you just look at and examine the trees, plants and animals you might see. Try to identify some of the things you see. You can find information here Remember to keep checking the website for updates, information and resources.

  • Nicole says:


  • Kayleigh says:

    Hi ms roughneen
    The Irish spellings sheet I have is ticead ar an talamh for this week. Is that the right sheet because it says a different sheet on the schedule

  • Nicole says:

    Hi Ms Roughneen, how do we do our book review? Do we do one for every chapter?
    From Nicole

  • Caoimhe N says:

    Hi Ms. Roughneen
    Lust wanted to ask what we have to do with google classroom as I saw a new assignment on it
    Caoimhe N

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Caoimhe, I will be sending an email to all parents with an suggested outline of next week’s work. We will (hopefully) be using Google Classroom and other remote tools to show your assignments and work. The link you saw is a sample assignment to try it out! As you (and all 6th class pupils ) already have your login details, you can try it out if you wish or wait until next week. Use the Template “This is Me” and edit it in Google Slides (very similar to Powerpoint) for yourself. It’s all trial and error as we try these tools out, especially as you have had no practice with the programme. I will be putting up the projects you have been working on as “assignments” so you can link those up too. (hopefully)

  • Nicole says:

    Hi Ms Roughneen
    I got 12/12 in my English spellings, 11/12 in my Irish and 12/12 in my tables.
    From Nicole

  • Caoimhe N says:

    Hi Ms.Roughneen
    I did my tests today here are my scores
    Irish: 11-12
    English: 10-12
    Mental maths: 24-25
    Tables: 13-13
    Caoimhe N

  • Caoimhe Nolan says:

    Hi Ms. Roughneen
    I would like to know how to get the template for the this is me slide as when I go into the this is me assignment all there is is another child’s slide and there is no template
    Caoimhe. N

    • Ciara Roughneen says:

      Hi Caoimhe,
      Click into the slideshow,
      Then File;
      then hit make a copy,
      then click whole slideshow.
      Then Rename as your own name ie This is Me Caoimhe Nolan in the dialogue box that appears. Dont click any boxes and save in drive.
      Let me know if this works

  • Nicole Mulhearn says:

    Hi Miss Roughneen,

    I am locked out of google classroom – can you please reset my password and send the new one to mammy’s email?


  • Caoimhe N says:

    Hi Ms. Roughneen
    This is me worked fine for me I was trying it on an iPad but I couldn’t get it to work so we tried a laptop and it worked
    Caoimhe N

  • Caoimhe N says:

    Hi Ms. Roughneen
    I did my tests in my copy these are my scores
    English: 12-12
    Mental maths: 23-25

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