Here is a worksheet that may help with your Tree Survey. You may complete the survey in your garden, fields beside your house or on all your land! You can add rubbings, drawings or photos to the worksheet. Whether you find a bud or a leaf will depend on the time of year. When do you think you might find a nut or a seed? Or a leaf or a bud?
[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] [btn_arrow_teal url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Tree Survey [/btn_arrow_teal][/one_half_omega]
There are some nice resources from The Tree Council Of Ireland. [one_half_alpha] [btn_arrow_teal url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Eanna Ní Lamhna on Native Trees [/btn_arrow_teal] [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega][btn_arrow_yellow url=”″ target=”_blank” position=”left”] Information on Native Irish Trees [/btn_arrow_yellow][/one_half_omega] [one_half_alpha] Ask About Ireland Website also has a video and some information on Irish Trees. [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] [btn_arrow_red url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Trees from Ask about Ireland [/btn_arrow_red][/one_half_omega] [one_half_alpha] [btn_arrow_orange url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Tree Day Website Resources [/btn_arrow_orange] [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] There are lots of interesting resources on Tree Day website if you want to learn more about Irish Trees.[/one_half_omega]
Here are two apps which might be of benefit as you complete your tree survey. Download on to a moblie device.
Both apps can be used to identify trees by their leaves or other features.
[btn_arrow_green url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] British tree identification from Woodland Trust [/btn_arrow_green] [btn_arrow_teal url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Leaf Snap [/btn_arrow_teal]Please share any interesting information or trees you find in your locality in the comments box below.
Also what worksheet for the tree survey?
From Nicole
Hi Nicole, all the information you need is in this post. It’s the green link that says “Tree Survey”. You can download and print this worksheet or make your own.
Remember to keep checking the website for updates, information and resources.