Our Parents’ Association was formed in 2008 and is fully affiliated with The National Parents’ Council.
The Parent’s Association held their A.G.M on the 24th of October 2022 and the following officers were elected for the coming year:
Chairperson: Elaine O’Neill
Secretary: Sandra Turner
Joint Treasures: Lorraine Curley & Teresa Brennan
Download and read the W.S.E. report here
Download W.S.E. Report
Ms Clíona Sheenhan from the National Parents Association held a training/ information seminar on Tuesday 21st March. Clíona began the session by encouraging all present to outline what they would like to gain from the session recording them on a flip chart. She had reviewed the school website in detail and praised the content of the website as it was very informative and up to date. In particular she was delighted to see that the recently published Department of Education W.S.E. report was available to all parents on the school website.
Clíona also went through the NCCA (National Council for Curriculum & Assessment) website, in particular the resources section which contain very helpful video clips on how parents can help with numeracy & literacy in a practical way at home. This website can be viewed at www.ncca.ie
The roles of each of the officers on the Parents Association were reviewed and Clíona emphasised the importance of regularly reviewing the Parents Association Constitution. She affirmed the great work and dedication of the Parents Association in their work, outlining the many benefits and positive outcomes for pupils that exist when all stake holders work together effectively i.e. staff, Parents Association and Board of Management. Clíona gave suggestions of iniatives the Parents Assocation could work on into the future given the great level of best practice that already exists by our Parents Association in an environment with very good open – communication between all in the school community.
The greatest recognition of all our work and efforts to date was reflected when Clíona requested that she could use examples of the work of Glinsk N.S. Parents Association and our school website in her future training and presentations with other schools!