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The Finance Team

JEPLatest NewsOur Blog

The Finance Team

By March 1, 2016No Comments

🤑The Finance Team🤑
This year Glinsk N.S. are taking part in J.E.P ( Junior Entrepreneur Programme ). Our business is the “Car CafĂ©.” We had to break up into teams. Our team is the finance team. The people in it are Paul,Taylor, Éimear and Éanna. We have to take care of the money! We had to add up the costs and put a fair price on the treats and drinks. We had to look up the ingredients and see where we could buy them and what they would cost. Today we had to take the money the pupils brought in to invest in our service. The money will help buy the ingredients and equipment. We had to tick their names off a list and give them change if they needed it. After we had collected all the money, we counted it up and labeled the bags to say what was in each of them.
That is all we did now we are ready for the car café on Friday. On Friday, we will count up the money we made and divide the profits between all of our teams.
By the finance team, Taylor, Paul, Éimear and Éanna