As you are aware by now, school will remain closed next week. We hope that you are keeping well and safe in these difficult times. We are conscious that these are unprecedented, worrying and stressful times for all. This work may help to keep your child engaged with the curriculum and hopefully provided some routine.
I have attached a suggested work schedule for your child.
I will also email a document which contains various logins and passwords for Google Classroom, Khan Academy, Read Theory, and These (currently free) apps and programs will allow me to assign work, give feedback and work remotely with your child. Please bear with us as we get to grips with these new ways of working remotely. If you do not normally receive correspondence by email, please email the school at and I will send you your child’s details. Likewise if you do not receive an email, please contact me by email for the login details.
I acknowledge that accessing online resources can be difficult especially if there is more than one person who needs to use the household’s only device or the broadband services are inadequate. I understand that exam class students in particular must take precedent. We can only try these resources and all do what we can in these uncharted waters. It is a learning curve for everyone.
I ask you to please keep an eye on our school website or our twitter account (@Glinsk_NS) for resources and other information for learning. There are already some uploaded posts which may help with assigned work. I hope to post some fun challenges for the children to participate in the coming days.
Please use your own judgement and base amount work completed on your child’s ability and pace. If your child finds something to difficult, please do not feel it must be completed. Please don’t worry about your child falling behind if they don’t complete all assigned work and put undue stress on your child to complete everything. Decide on a maximum amount of time, you as a parent feel your child can work at independently and successfully each day and after which cease work. there are many other ways to educate
We also encourage children to also keep reading, practice their musical instruments, play board games, bake, get fresh air and engage in outdoor activities, if possible, and within the HSE recommendations. #stayhome
Click on link below for an outline of work to complete as well as a list of links and resources.
4th class schedule of work Week 3 30th March- 3rd April Updated
5th class schedule of work week 3. 30th March-3rd April
6th class schedule of work week 3. 30th March_3rd April
I will update spelling city website with all English and Gaeilge spellings in the coming days.
Work on Irish will be assigned on Monday. Spend 10 minutes on this as scheduled.
I will leave the comments box open and will update with more resources and links.
Thank You
Ciara Roughneen
Hi ms roughneen
What page is it in our read at home?
From Nicole
Apologies, it should say page 86.
hello Mrs. Roughneen I was just in and went into our first assignment but it said there was no page for this assignment so im just wondering have you put any thing up yet
from conor
Hi Conor,
I’m not sure why it’s not working. You could try logging out and logging in again. If that doesn’t work, try using a different internet browser. Let me know if this works.
Hi ms roughneen.
When I log into and try to take the beginners assessment it says there is no web page found. Just wondering what I should do
Hi Kayleigh,
I’m not sure why. You could try logging out and logging in again. If that doesn’t work, try using a different internet browser. Let me know if this works.
I think you have to complete the beginner exercises before you can do the assessment. So just continue with those exercises for now.
It isn’t working for me either
Hi Nicole,
What browser are you using?
hi again I tried logging in through interenet explorer and google chrome but neither worked
I can still access beginner, intermediate and advanced excecises through the home page
from conor
I think you have to complete the beginner exercises before you can do the assessment. So just continue with those exercises for now.
Hi Mrs. Roughneen
I accidently closed the class Dojo tab on my computer and the code doesn’t work, what should I do?
Hi Emily, I will send you a new code.
Hi Mrs. Roughneen
What template do we use for the ‘all about me’ project, because when I go in it says to use the template below but the template says ‘all about Ali’
Hi Emily, Try this
Click into the slideshow,
Then File;
then hit make a copy,
then click whole slideshow.
Then Rename as your own name ie This is Me Caoimhe Nolan in the dialogue box that appears. Dont click any boxes and save in drive.
Let me know if this works
Hi ms Roughneen
I did the quizlet test of Irish spellings and got 83 percent
From Nicole
Go maith
I got 94 percent in my English test
Well done, Nicole
Hi ms roughneen. Just done my spelling tests
English. 70%
Irish. 83%
Thanks Kayleigh