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Ready, set, go…..!

Our school sports day took place on Wednesday 21st June and we were very lucky with the weather. After a little shower in the morning it cleared up to be a nice dry day. Pupils from 6th class helped get the track ready with lots of different races for every class including 60m, 80m, 100m and 200m for the older pupils. All pupils showed great enthusiasm and spirit in all races and especially all pupils from the senior room who lead by great example showing younger pupils the importance of participation and finishing out the race to the line!


The novelty races were great fun which included the newspaper race and the teddy bear race. One teddy in particular had lots of races as he was big and easy to pick up on the run!


Sack races, wheel-barrow and three-legged races were eagerly anticipated with pupils trying some practice runs!


The final race of the day for all groups was the obstacle course, where pupils had to complete a variety of different tasks throughout the course, including balancing a bean bag on their head, running across a bench, throwing a tennis ball into a bucket from a distance and crawling under a parachute. The teachers were even challenged to join in the last obstacle race! Well done to all pupils on making it a very enjoyable day full of effort and good fun!

Take a look at photos from the day below

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