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My Neighbour’s Dog is Purple!

Latest NewsLiteracyMrs Brennan's Room

My Neighbour’s Dog is Purple!

By May 5, 2018No Comments

As part of Poetry Day 2018, pupils in Junior and Senior Infants responded through drawings to the poem ‘My Neighbour’s Dog Is Purple!’ by Jack Prelutsky.

My Neighbour’s Dog is Purple!

My neighbour’s dog is purple

Its eyes are large and green

Its tail is almost endless

The longest I have seen

My neighbour’s dog is quiet

It doesn’t bark one bit

But when my neighbour’s dog is near

I feel afraid of it!

My neighbour’s dog looks nasty

It has a wicked smile

Before my neighbour painted it

It was a crocodile!

The children folded their sheets of paper into 3 sections and as they listened to each stanza being read aloud, they drew what they visualised in their mind.  The final line of the poem gave the children a big surprise! Have a look at their wonderful pictures below!