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Maths Week

All classrooms took part in Maths Week Ireland before the Halloween midterm break giving pupils an opportunity to have a greater focus on maths for the week. Pupils took part in different activities including a maths trail, maths games, a live Maths Week quiz and the every popular maths target boards. Junior & senior infants have been busy the last few weeks collecting chestnuts as part of their SESE learning and managed to fill a 5 litre water container with chestnuts! They came up with the novel idea of inviting of all pupils in the other classroom to guess how many chestnuts in the container. Once all the guesses were in, they had the task of carefully counting all the chestnuts and then checking the entries to find the closest estimate.


They showed great presentation skills in another classroom when they came to announce the winner and present them with their prize. Well done to the infant classroom on all their practical and fun maths that involved other pupils. Take a look at some photos below from maths week.