Glinsk N.S. Parent’s Association invited Helen Butler from Youth Work Ireland to present a talk for parents on Internet Safety – Parenting your Child’s Internet Use.
Helen’s presentation was very informative and full of practical tips on how to become informed about what social networking sites children maybe using and was also keen to emphasise the legal age for registering accounts with Snap Chat & You Tube etc.
She also stressed the importance of finding out about the latest apps and highly recommended Webwise as a the first reference point. It is an Irish website and fully up -to-date with explainers about the latest social networking apps and how they work.
The Parents link on has a Get Informed section and also a very useful video library section. Helen also stressed the importance and benefits of networking with other parents and the need to keep all technology out of bedrooms at night-time so that children get a good nights sleep.
Helen also worked with pupils from 5th & 6th class after the Halloween break. The group focused on internet safety and real life friendships and how important they are.