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Work Schedule – 1st Class 20th – 24th April

Latest NewsMrs Brennan's RoomSchool Closure 2020

Work Schedule – 1st Class 20th – 24th April

By April 17, 2020No Comments

Please find below a suggested work plan for the week and all the resources needed. You will see that I have asked for some tasks to be uploaded to your child’s Seesaw portfolio.

Seesaw is an app or online tool that can be used for pupil learning and engagement. Each pupil has a digital portfolio and work can be submitted to this portfolio. Pupils have a range or tools that they can use, including the drawing tool, the notes tool, take photos of work created on a page or in a copy and the video tool.

I have step-by-step instructions on how to login to Seesaw below. You will receive a home learning code by school text and each pupil has their own unique code and can only access their own digital portfolio. If you have any difficulty logging on, please e-mail me at and we will hopefully work through it.


[btn_red url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] How to use Seesaw – Step-by Step Instructions [/btn_red]





Please click below to on the suggested work schedule for 1st Class for the coming week

[btn_green url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Work schedule for 20th – 24th April [/btn_green]





[btn_yellow url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] English & Maths Resources [/btn_yellow]





[btn_green url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Subtraction Strategies [/btn_green]



[btn_orange url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Subtraction & Addition Worksheets [/btn_orange]


[btn_yellow url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Addition & Subtraction Word Problems [/btn_yellow]





[btn_orange url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Dathanna  [/btn_orange]



[btn_teal url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] An Mála Scoile [/btn_teal]




[btn_teal url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Superhero Colouring  [/btn_teal]