Reel Life Science is a novel science video competition for Irish primary and secondary schools, which aims to promote science in the classroom and beyond, by inviting students to produce a short video communicating a scientific topic in an engaging and entertaining way.
The topics for this year’s Reel Life Science 2016 competition were:
- The Heart
- Life in Space
- Science and Me
- Our Many Senses
- The Science of Farming
Pupils from 1st – 6th class took part in the competition with all pupils from 1st, 2nd and 3rd class working on the Science of Farming. Pupils brought in many props including flat caps, wellington boots, a large farm shed, doctors equipment, a light for the dentist etc and worked hard rehearsing before recording our film on an i-pad and uploading the finished film to you tube.
Pupils from 4th, 5th & 6th class used Powtoons to create animated power-points on Life in Space on different planets in our solar system.
We had lots of fun making our entries for the competition and Reel Life certs for taking part in the competition.
Watch below to see our video called Mr. Field’s Day at School
Click on the link below to see our video called Jupiter
Click on the link below to see our video called Neptune
Click on the link below to see our video called Saturn