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Our School Tour

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Our School Tour

By June 15, 2015November 11th, 2017No Comments

On the 12/6/2015 we went on our school tour! I got up at 7:00 and had breakfast. I went to school at 8:00.  I saw a very big bus.  We left the school at 8:15 and  it was a long journey to Galway.  Finally we arrived at Lets Go camp.  When we got inside we met a girl named Jamie, she took us to our activities.  First we went on the Roller Racers they were fun. After we went to have lunch(I brought sweets) After lunch we played Twister, Disco dome, soccer, air mountain, obstacle course, they were great fun.  Then a man came and took us rock climbing and it was really cool! After that we went on bouncy castle and slides. They were fun.  Then we had another lunch. Then a girl brought us Zorbing!!!!!  It was so so so much fun.  Last we went on the Wobbly Ladder.  After Lets Go camp, 1st- 4th went to the Aquarium and 5th- 6th went to Lazer Tag.  The aquarium was so cool. We got to hold Starfish and Crabs!!  We also got to feed fish and they soaked us. After the aquarium ,we met up with 5th and 6th and went to a shop called Dealz.  Then we all went to Rockin’ Joes restaurant. Then we set off back home!!!

Sarah Jane