Our annual school sports day took place on Thursday the 16th of June and we were lucky to have nice dry weather for the day. Areas were set up for the different races and activities so each class could move around to them during the day. Novelty races are very popular each year and included all the favourites of the sack race, egg and spoon, three-legged, teddy bear reace, wheelbarrow and the newspaper race. Pupils ran short races, long races and jumped hurdles. The javelin and target shot on the basketball court provided a nice balance and less running!
Each year the obstacle course is a firm favourite with pupils using lots of different skills on the course from co-ordination, balance, crawling and skipping. Pupils gave a great effort on the day particularly the determination to finish races and the encouragement from classmates in cheering on and encouraging each other. Take a look at some photos of the day below.