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Fred O’Connell Award

Parent's Association News

Fred O’Connell Award

By May 27, 2017March 18th, 2022No Comments

Fred O’Connell was involved with the N.P.C. (National Parent’s Council) in the early years of the organisation’s devepolment. Fred also served as chairperson and vice-chariperson of the N.P.C.and he believed that parents have a vital role to play in their child’s education. The award is on his honour. It seeks to shine a light o the partnership and work that Parent’s Associations engage in. Glinsk Parent’s Association chose the school kitchen project for the Fred O’Connell award application this year.

Please download and read the application here and photos appendix

[btn_red url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Fred O’Connell Application [/btn_red] [btn_teal url=”” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Application Appendix [/btn_teal]