Rang III got shortlisted for the Eir Junior Spiders Awards. Third class and the senior room got tickets to go to Croke park. Rang II were very disappointed, but the very next day second class got tickets!!! We were very excited. A bus brought us to Croke park. It was a very long ride, but eventually we got there. We went to the reception. We got a lift to level 4. In the room you could get your face painted and get balloons. There was also a shop, some people bought really, really big cookies. Then it was time for the Awards!!!
Everybody had a seat. Aidan Power came on to the stage and congratulated every school. Then Rueben the entertainer came on and entertained us. Rueben was very funny. He was also very good. Then the Awards were announced. Sadly, we didn’t get an Award,but we had great fun!
By Ali & Conor