All pupils completed a wellbeing survey in October 2021. The results of this survey can be found by following this link:
The Amber Flag Committee wish to thank all parents who recently completed the online wellbeing Survey. Over 50% of families responded. The results were very positive overall. The results of this suvery can be found by following this link:
Four Key areas were also highlighted in the survey
- Use of social media/ online gaming
- Mindfulness/Meditation
- Homework
- Exercise
Going forward, these four areas will be addressed
- Social Media
- Helen Butler from Youth Reach Ireland will present a workshop to all pupils in the senior classroom on Monday 6th of December on Cyber-safety. The topics she will cover include: Why we need cybersafety?, Privacy, Passwords, Personal info, Sleep, Rules, Personal behaviour, What can go wrong, Who to talk to and what to do, Always reinforcing the use of safe internet and telling an adult.
- Helen Butler will also present a workshop to all parents in the senior classroom on Monday 6th of December at 7.30 pm on Zoom. All parents in the senior classroom have received an email about this workshop. Please contact the school if you haven’t received the email.
- Internet Safety Day will take place on the 8th February 2022. All classrooms will partake in activities from Parent resources can also be found on this website at:
2. Mindfulness/ Meditation
- Weaving Well-being classes will be continued throughout the school
- All children will participate in mindfulness practices from PDST, Go-Noodle, and Calm
- Pupils will partake in a well-being month in December using a well-being Advent Calendar.
- Each month the school will focus on a different theme. Each classroom will complete various activities based on the theme. Keep an eye on our website to see how we are getting on each month with our themes.
- We will hold a mental health & wellbeing day in February, and we will also raise money for Pieta House.
3. Homework
- The homework policy will be reviewed by the Board of Management in consultation with staff/parents. A parent survey will be made available online soon to share your views on homework. We ask that all parents take the time to complete this.
4. Exercise
- Physical Education is scheduled for 1 hour per week. Mr Shevlin will continue to provide football coaching. All classes will continue to receive the remaining PE time each week with their own class teacher.
- The school hall is being used as a staff room due to Covid 19 restrictions, and is not available for PE
- Swimming lessons are scheduled for next year
The SPHE curriculum will be continued to be taught each week in school.
All children receive sufficient eating time each day.
The school website will be regularly updated throughout the year with Amber Flag updates. Keep an eye out!