Tara from the Goal charity visited the school on the 6th October to talk to us about the of Goal and the countries they work in. In the senior classroom pupils had a worksheets with 9 actions on how Goal could best promote their charity to help people in need all over the world. Pupils worked in groups deciding on which idea would help to promote the work of Goal and then presented their ideas to the whole class. Groups decided on different actions and coloured their chosen action on the worksheet.
Pupils in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class learned all about Africa and how the Goal charity helps people in this country. Tara brought a giant map of Africa. Groups had picture symbols e.g. foods, medicines. Tara read out the clues and groups had to decide if their symbol matched the clue. We placed the symbols on the map.
Tara gave us Exit postcards on which we wrote our ideas about all we had learned about the work of Goal. Mush to our surprise there was a little bookmark on the postcard which we could detach to keep. After all this we celebrated Goal jersey day on the 14th October. Take a look at some photos from Tara’s visit.