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School Improvement Plan-Literacy

SIP- LiteracySSE: School Improvement Plans

School Improvement Plan-Literacy

By September 3, 2015September 3rd, 2016No Comments

sse process

The Department of Education and Skills requires each school to engage in the School Self Evaluation (SSE) process.

Schools are also required to devise a school improvement plan (SIP) that contains a summary of the areas for improvement identified as part of the self evaluation process.

The SIP should identify

  • targets for improvement (with a focus on learner outcomes),
  • actions required to achieve the targets (with reference to those who are responsible for taking actions),
  • a statement of how the school will check if the targets have been achieved and
  • a timeframe for achievement of the targets.

The Board of Management is responsible for ensuring that a brief  summary of the SSE and SIP are provided to the whole school community.

Here is Glinsk NS SIP for Literacy as devised in 2013-4

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